Azure function App exception error when receiving a post from a webhook

I have the below as an entry point to an azure function app, when I open postman and send a post to this function app I'm getting this error.

[Error] Executed 'Functions.http_trigger_from_vrli' (Failed,

The error is not remotely useful when I load this function app in local everything works, I'm able to do a post to https://localhost:7071/api/blahpost with the post data in the body. Code is executed on updateRT and all subsequent functions are completed successfully. It's just when I attempt to use azure functions app as the URL, I get a 500 and the above error. Am I doing something wrong with the route points that would cause this to 500 whenever it receives the payload? I can confirm via logger I'm getting past the if statement it is printing out the client IP address but doesn't appear to be executing the function inside the if statement. I'm debugging by cd'ing to the project in vscode then running "func start --verbose" again when I run it locally and send the post it works as expected.

here's an example of the payload

{ "alert_type": "RATE_BASED_WITH_GROUPS", "alert_name": "BlockMe", "search_period": "300000", "hit_oeprator": "GREATER_THAN", "messages": "[{"fields":[{"name":"msg","content":"primary credentials rejected - invalid user"},{"name":"count","content":"150"},{"name":"client_ip","content":""},{"name":"username","content":"stuff"},{"name":"status","content":"reject"}],"Count":150.0}]" }

also heres what im running at the root of my function app

app = func.FunctionApp(blah=func.AuthLevel.FUNCTION)
def blahpost(req: func.HttpRequest) -> func.HttpResponse:'Python HTTP trigger function processed a request.')
        req_body = req.get_json()
    except ValueError:
        return func.HttpResponse(
             "Invalid JSON format",
    alert_name = req_body.get('alert_name')
    messages = req_body.get('messages')
    if alert_name == "BlockMe":
        for item in messages['fields']:
            if item['name'] == 'client_ip':
                targetIP = item['content']
                response = irtUpdate.main(targetIP)
                return func.HttpResponse(response, status_code=200)
    if alert_name == "USER-Lockout-Alert":
        for item in messages['fields']:
            if item['name'] == 'username':
                username = item['content']
    return func.HttpResponse("Function executed successfully.")
1 Answers

The error could be related to the handling of the request payload in your Azure Function code. Make sure to check for any syntax errors or logical errors in the code snippet you provided. Specifically, verify that the JSON payload is being correctly parsed and processed within the function, and ensure that all necessary fields are present in the payload before accessing them.

Additionally, it's recommended to enable more detailed logging within your Azure Function to get better insight into where the issue might be occurring. This can help in pinpointing the exact location of the error and resolving it effectively.