Why my Azure B2C signIn/signUp pages have only half of words translated?

I'm doing a basic SignIn / SignUp userFlow, I'm trying to have correct translations but when i run my userFlow with ui_locales set this is my result: enter image description here Only half of my sign in page is translated, and for any la

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Local DX for service-to-service authentication based on Managed Identities in Azure

For our internal developer platform, we think about adopting Entra ID for service-to-service auth. This feels natural as all our services are automatically provisioned with a user-assigned managed identity. I believe we will be able to m

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"Invalid JWT token. Could not resolve issuer token." Trouble Creating a JWT Token from PFX

I am a newbie and created an api that calls to SharePoint that, because of access problems, am not able to create a site collection using Microsoft CSOM. Currently, to authenticate the app, I create a bearer token on postman and then use

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