Error: Please specify Xcode project location

enter image description here无法获取到sheme以及configuration以及target。 一开始打开项目是有scheme和configuration的,后面降级了gradle回来这俩都没有了。enter image description here这是两个插件的�

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Calling View LaunchedEffect multiple times inside LazyColumn

I want to trigger the LaunchedEffect event in only one of the views in the LazyColumn, but the LaunchedEffect is triggered in all views, so the UI of all views changes. LazyColumn( horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally,

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bluetoothLeScaner.startScan(scanCallback) isnt returning null

I am attempting to connect my phone to a bluetooth device. I am using an android 13 . In my scandevices file, I am coming across an issue on this line bluetoothLeScaner.startScan(scanCallback). I am getting that IllegalArgumentException

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Custom Composable broke after updating compose-plugin

i am kinda new to all of this and have a problem with one of my Kotlin multiplatform Projects. In order to share resources between Android and Desktop i updated my compose-plugin from 1.5.12 to 1.6.0 and used this new generated Res class

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UI mobile tests - which would be the best tool for a project with compose functions and one activity

trying to figure out which is the best tool to create mobile automation tests for a project that uses compose functions written in Kotlin in Android studio Have to mention that we want the tests to be like end user flows, login + start w

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Google Signin Using CustomTabIntent In Android Kotlin

` class AuthWebActivity : AppCompatActivity() { private lateinit var binding: ActivityAuthWebBinding private lateinit var customTabsIntent: CustomTabsIntent override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedIn

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How to implement Google Sign-In with Compose Multiplatform

I'm begginer in Compose Multiplatform and I'm trying to implement Google Sing In (whose objective is to get an GoogleSignInAccountobject) with Compose Multiplatform. Here is my UI code : @Composable fun MainActivity(colorScheme: ColorSch

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How to build an android app which will convert pdf to audiobooks using kotlin and jectpack compose?

! Is it possible to convert an pdf to audio book... How can I run python code on cloud and communicate it with android project I am an android developer intend to create an pdf to audio converter app. But I am clueless how can I create

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Migration to Spring Security 6 - How to implement multiple Authorization / security filter scenarios in a library

Since the WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter was deprecated and removed in Spring Boot 3, I'm having to update some of our applications running on Spring Boot. In order to Monitor these, we have a Spring Boot Admin server and expose the actuat

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jetpack compose - How to do state hoisting for a parsed complex object?

So, in my dataset, I'm storing a special string. This string must be parsed into a tree for user manipulation (view, edit, delete, merge, adding nodes ..etc). For the node addition and deletion, I need to get the cursor position from the

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Can a buildType be referenced in multiple subprojects in TeamCity Kotlin DSL?

Is there a way to have, in a project, a buildType referenced in two separate subprojects? That is, have buildType A registered in subproject B and also appearing in subproject C? Perhaps something like the following? object Project : Pr

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