App not installed as a package appears to be invalid on Android 13

I am using Unity 2021.3.6f1 I have built the application with different target API levels (level 27, level 30, level 34), minimum API 22, and all these versions work on my Android 9. However, when I share the file via Google Drive with a

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Unity 2D topdown bow rotation

I'm trying to implement a bow in my game that follows the direction of my mouse. There are many tutorials also showing how it is done and they are all quite the same. The issue is that the cursor has to rotate around a center which is no

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It’s possibile with ARCore track an with e image?

I’m trying to realize an AR application for my university course, that can track “Regoli”. Regoli are simply cubes or solid rectangle with variety of colors. Can I recognize the colors with image tracker? I tried implements this in

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Unity velocity very unaccurate

I'm learning how to make 2D games in unity through a tutorial, I'm in the animation part its just if statements checking player's velocity and do the right animation acording to that, however even when the player is idle, the y and x vel

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Improve AI chess play - opinion

I was thinking about improving my work when it comes to AI chess, I wanted to use GPT for this - 4 the work I have written, it uses the alpha-beta min-max algorithm, which is used in chess, the work is done in Unity using C# in Visual St

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Why do we need to specify "UnityEngine" when using Vector3?

why do we need to specify UnityEngine when using Vector3 in Unity C#? Especially in this part, I encounter an error when I use only Vector3. UnityEngine.Vector3 RandomSpawnPos() { return new UnityEngine.Vector3(Random.Range(-xRange, xRan

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Why does Physics.Raycast in Unity return false while Debug.DrawRay shows intersection?

Currently, I use a coarse model for mesh collider for collision detection, and then use the ContactInfo to trace a ray by Physics.Raycast to find a more precise position on a precise mesh collider, like this: private void OnCollision

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Unity - Player Prefs won't save a specific UI element

I managed to get my FPS counter saved whether it was toggled on or off in the main menu when loading into the level scene, but for some reason my timer and collectible counter don't get the same justice when loading into the next scene,

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