Install additional .exe with Visual Studio Installer

I am currently trying to work out how to install an additional .exe with my visual studio applicaiton. It works in General but it don't know how to check before the installation if the additional .exe is already installed. I assume the b

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please someone can help me solve the problem?

Every time I try to create a git project it gives me this error fatal: detected dubious ownership in repository at 'E:/שנה ב/git/ש'ב/lesson3/Israel-Explorer' 'E:/שנה ב/git/ש'ב/lesson3/Israel-Explorer' is on a file system that

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Custom Constructor snippet for visual studio on C++

If you type ctor on visual studio it will generate a constructor for your class(let's call it Window) for you like so: Window() { } I want it to change so that it would not include the curly braces, how do I go about this? I tried the

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cmake find_package raylib not working with vcpkg in visual studio

I'm using VS2022 with the vcpkg package manager extension option installed. I have created a new CMake project (Solution/Project same folder) and created a vcpkg.json file with the generated baseline. I then went into the CMakePresets.js

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