Fetching data from monolithic application from cloud server

I need a proper efficient solution for the following situation. I have a scenario where I have one monolithic application hosted in a server and I need to use this application to process some data and get response. The application can pr

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Pagination in AWS DynamoDB by arbitrary page number

I am creating a DynamoDB Scan lambda triggered by an AWS Api Gateway and I am trying to implement pagination. I understand that, in order to do it, I need to send a LastEvaluatedKey in the response and than use that key for ExclusiveStar

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Provision AWS account with terraform, restricted to organization unit

We want to provision AWS accounts programmatically with terraform. The documentation of https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/resources/organizations_account clearly states that Account management must be don

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How to add a secondary cluster to an already existing AWS RDS Aurora Postgres using terraform

I am having a hard time figure out the terraform equivalent for a aurora postgres secondary cluster. I have a terraform resource aws_rds_cluster which we used and created a regional cluster and writer and reader instance using instance r

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Quarkus Amazon S3 NoSuckBucketException

When working with Amazon S3 and Quarkus, I encountered a challenging issue where the S3 bucket was not being recognized or found. This was perplexing, as all the configurations and credentials seemed correct. I double-checked the AWS cre

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Should a new S3 client be initiated on every request?

I am creating a simple CRUD api using NodeJS + TS and AWS SDK. I configured AWSCognito and IAM services for accessing S3 resources. User can for example request a service that returns all the objects in a S3 bucket. Because not all users

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Terraform ECS Data Block Issue

I am creating an AWS alarm using Terraform. In the metrics, I want to fetch the cluster names to monitor multiple resources and create alarms for them. Unfortunately, the 'data' block is asking for a specific name, but I want to fetch al

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Query with array in graphql

I want to return all items that are not in my arrays. Some think like below but in graphql-aws world: query( collection(db, "users"), where("id", "not-in", [...likedUserIds, ...dislikedUserIds]) ) I tried: const { data } = await API.gra

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Organizational CloudTrail - Eventbridge Monitoring

I have an Organizational CloudTrail with logging enabled and I want EventBridge to monitor this trail and trigger a lambda when a specific action is taken in a member account i.e when a user logs in. In Cloudwatch logs I can see log entr

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