Provision AWS account with terraform, restricted to organization unit

We want to provision AWS accounts programmatically with terraform. The documentation of clearly states that Account management must be don

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terraform template to build dynamic SSM automation

running Terraform 1.7.4 for each row in arg map my SSM automation needs { "description": "Invoke Lambda Function ${key}", "name": "InvokeLambdaFunction${key}", "action": "aws:invokeLambdaFunction", "inputs": {

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EKS 1.25 aws-node-termination-handler failing to upgrade

I am trying to upgrade aws-node-termination-handler with the following module: resource "helm_release" "spot_termination_handler" { namespace = "kube-system" name = "aws-node-termination-handler" chart = "aws-node-termi

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Terraform ECS Data Block Issue

I am creating an AWS alarm using Terraform. In the metrics, I want to fetch the cluster names to monitor multiple resources and create alarms for them. Unfortunately, the 'data' block is asking for a specific name, but I want to fetch al

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